This Fall, my good friend Valerie Steen and I will be co-hosting an Authentic Relating group where we’ll focus on the practice of Circling. This offering will take place in person in Fort Collins, Colorado and consist of 5 meetings over the course of 5 weeks. We will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 - 8:30pm starting September 17th, with our final meeting taking place on October 15th. This will be a very intimate group, capped at 8 participants. The fee to participate in this offering is $175.

What is Circling?

While the practice of Circling can be described in many ways, I like to describe it simply as the practice of relational mindfulness. It is a presence-based practice which brings our curious attention to the experience of relating with other people. It is a practice which often increases self-awareness while at the same time yielding a sense of deep connection with others. What happens within the context of a Circle can be beautiful or challenging, easy or confronting, clarifying or confusing, and sometimes all of the above. The experience of Circling can be truly transformative and, if nothing else, we can come to know ourselves and our ways of relating with other people in a more intimate way. Most people familiar with Circling agree, it is hard to describe what happens within a Circle, and it really has to be experienced directly. If you’re unfamiliar with Circling and would like to get a better sense of what’s it all about, you might check out this beautiful 4 part documentary posted by Circling Europe.

Valerie and I share similar credentials as certified life coaches, mindfulness teachers, and Circling facilitators. We share a passion for Circling and are excited to offer this community building practice in our hometown of Fort Collins, Colorado.

If you are interested in participating in this group, please fill out this intake form to help us get to know you better; we want to make sure everyone is a good fit for this group. If you are unsure or have questions, please send them to us on the form below.

A must for anyone that wants to expand their capacity for relating to others in a deeply resonating way....circling has provided me the space to practice being with others in ways that are becoming powerful tools for my everyday interactions.
— Sam
Through this group experience I found the authenticity in my life increasing, not only during these weekly sessions, but more importantly throughout all the relationships in my life. As a result, I’m developing a more candid relationship with my supervisor that is allowing space for more creative productivity, I’m connecting with my closest friends in a rich yet playful way, and with my partner, we’re diving deeper into the things that really matter to us. I’m very grateful to Michael for sharing this practice and opportunity.
— Michael Green

If you have questions please reach out below