Sea Change

Dear Friends,

I am writing today to let you in on a major life decision I've made. In large part, making this decision feels like I am choosing the impossible, as if I'm willingly jumping off of a cliff. And while it feels this way, there remains a sense of clear knowing that the essence of what I'm up to is following the guidance of my heart. I have a practice of reminding myself each and every day that my heart is completely trustable. Therefore, to not make this choice would be to deny the Truth of my heart.

I am choosing to leave my musical career with Lotus behind. This choice is primarily informed by my dedication to personal growth and my commitment to serving the world in the most authentic way I'm able. To my mind, this decision is largely irrational, but my heart knows things that my mind knows not. But rather than going on about my decision in this newsletter, I have written an open letter to the Lotus community which can be read here. My final shows with Lotus will be at the Summerdance Festival in Ohio on Labor Day weekend.

As I close out the final chapter with Lotus this Summer, I have paused many of the classes, groups, and guided meditations that I've offered over the last year and will be resuming these offerings in mid October. I'm so excited about what lies ahead. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

With Love,
